An effective office is only as efficient as its employees – and employees are only so inspired by their workspace. After all, a cluttered or choking working environment is hardly inspirational to even the most enthusiastic of employees. Offices have moved on from days of thick, clunky cubicles and heavy segregation – as glass partitions and open plan designs have taken precedence in offices belonging to household names and some of the biggest brands in the UK. However, what is the reason for the upturn in such office trends? Office design, London and elsewhere, appears to be taking a particular turn.
An office with space and room to breathe are far more likely to inspire a workforce than closed-in, cluttered spaces. A clean, crisp and professional look not only inspires employees but also offers potential clients and visitors with a fantastic first impression. GXI understands the needs of both businesses and employees alike, and we have therefore cultivated a portfolio of fantastic open-plan and contemporary refurbishments and fit-out office solutions for a number of high profile clients and household names and we have arranged for office interiors London and beyond.
A happy and healthy workforce has been proven to be a productive and efficient workforce – and having built up our reputation with several freelance professionals and clients who have seen a turnaround in fortune since our consultancy, we are confident that we understand how workforces benefit from such redesign – from decluttering spaces to reducing equipment or furniture, or even making changes such as exchanging existing office partitions with glass alternatives, all have made positive changes to the way in which employees have continued to undertake their work with various companies – which is conclusive proof that the way your office or building is designed or set up can have a large impact upon the way that your workforce operates. Office design, London and outside the capital, has proven to have an effect on workers everywhere.
If you are concerned about the efficiency of your staff or office and feel that you could benefit from consultation on how office refurbishment could make big changes to your operation, GXI Group will be happy to analyse your services and arrange for a bespoke design that will raise the morale of your workforce and the efficiency of your business.
We can design and draft a number of practical ideas for your office or for a fit-out at your discretion. Why not have a look at previous work we have completed for other clients and see what we can do for your operation? For office design, London and beyond the capital, we will be happy to hear from you.