When it comes to effective office interiors London, many may be quick to claim that the design of a workplace has no direct effect on a workforce’s culture or demeanour. While no comprehensive studies suggest that this is entirely true, here at GXI we still believe that creating a contemporary, spacious and empowering office unit is important as an aid to encouraging office culture to change.
There are many ways in which office culture can change, and while office interiors such as a new lick of paint or a change of furniture may not make a drastic improvement upon employee morale or psyche, it is important to remember that if you are interested in changing the design of your office, you need to consider how you are going to empower your workforce if you wish to significantly change the culture or morale.
While we are big believers of creating modern, professional but relaxing office spaces to inspire productivity and to cut down on office clutter that slows productivity and clogs employee morale, we also believe that it is important to empower your staff in a number of small but significant ways – after all, changing a culture cannot be expected to occur overnight. Offering employees their own personal spaces, avoiding hot-desking and cramped cubicle designs is an excellent start – as is making things easier for people. How accessible or practically-designed is your office? Are tools and support easy to locate? Are there any barriers between employees and management that can easily be removed?
We don’t believe that culture can trump design, as design has an underlying effect on culture as a whole – however, a new design spin on your office interiors alone will not change your culture or company morale overnight. For more information on the ways in which you can inspire and motivate a new culture within your workforce with the aid of office refurbishment techniques and designs, call GXI Group today on 020 8732 5582 and we will be happy to arrange a consultations with you at your convenience.