One thing that all business owners want is an office space that is productive and encourages the best results amongst their workforce. However, the trouble is that this is a lot easier said than done. There is no magic formula that creates an office that enhances workplace productivity and employee wellbeing. It is all about looking for unique tweaks that are going to make a big difference to how your employees feel. Here are five unexpected options to consider…
1. Look for unique ways to bring nature into the office - One of the best ways to boost productivity is to look for ways to connect your employees with the natural world. This is imperative for both our physiological and psychological functioning, which directly impact our ability to be productive. This could be as simple as dotting a few plants around the office. However, experts in office fit outs will be able to incorporate more striking and prominent features to add that natural touch.

2. Idea storage - There is nothing more frustrating than being distracted by a great idea while working, so you try to push it to the back of your mind so you can finish your task, and then you end up forgetting about the great idea! Having an idea board at each desk can enable employees to jot down all of their sparks of inspiration without halting their productivity.
3. Vary routines with varied spaces - Break out rooms have become very popular in offices across the UK, and it is not difficult to see why. An effective office design is one that enables employees to vary their routine so that they can refresh their brain and work as productively as possible.
4. Install filters - Air quality can have a massive impact on the productiveness of your workforce. This is because it affects our ability to think clearly and focus. However, this is something that a lot of business owners overlook. Improving the air quality within your office space can have a bigger difference than you may realise.
5. Noise levels - Finally, another element that needs to be considered carefully when it comes to your office fit out is the noise levels within your office space. There are a number of different ways you can go about this. One option is to create a quiet work area - much like you would have a quiet space in a train!
So there you have it: five unexpected ways that you can boost employee productivity with an office fit out. These are just five of the ways that you can alter your office space for the purpose of improving employee productivity levels. Of course, the best office fit out is going to depend on your business and the tasks that your employees are carrying out on a day-to-day basis. If you would like to find out more about what could work for your company, please do not hesitate to give us a call today for more information.