They always say that you can tell everything you need to know about a person simply by looking at them. The same, to an extent, can be said about offices and work spaces – outsiders such as potential clients and employees will judge your working environment majorly on the way it is presented. You may have an impeccable record or an admirable culture – but unless you let these shine through your design choices, you could be left scrabbling around for positive noise. From office space choices to breaking elements down such as dusty old office partitions, there are plenty of steps for you to take.
Office Space Choices
2017 is the year that office partitions came down in a big way. Some grew wheels, others disappeared altogether – but the modern workplace is one which breaks down barriers and encourages fluid communication between staff and helpful sharing of ideas. It is important for your office culture to be inclusive and open to expansive new ideas – and the more people you have collaborating on certain projects, the better the impressions you’ll give. Visitors to your office will see that your culture is all about bringing people together – and that’s a good thing.
Office Partition Strategy
Covering the issue of office partitions a little further, consider just how valuable open space is – partitioning can still be useful when it comes to providing privacy or encouraging one to one consultations – but boxing people in is a strategy that is at least twenty years out of date. Office partitions have a time and a place – and you’ll need to find them with regard to your own strategy and ethos if you want your positive culture to shine through.
Technology Upgrades
Finally, this is the big one – office space aside, an office without a focus on the latest in technology is one which is going to lag behind many others in the queue. For example – an office that fails to provide wireless printing is risking falling behind the pack – meaning that you need to actively embrace new technology and advancements associated with the office should you wish to communicate how in touch you are with the modern world. Offices live and breathe on technology – meaning that if your existing office space is rather more pen and paper than superfast broadband, you’ll likely need to head back to the drawing board!