The modern office is moving swiftly into redesigning itself for a contemporary era, meaning that the choking walls and cubicles of yesterday will soon be forgotten – there are thousands of businesses up and down the UK that are benefitting from glass office partitions, allowing them to section off areas of their offices without having to segregate or make any employees or departments less visible. There is much to be said for introducing glass partitions into your office, and many reasons as to why glass partitioning is more than just a trend.
Office partitions have evolved since the humble and rather daunting cubicle – everything is moving towards open plan and glass partitions, and this is largely thanks to the amount of space that transparent walls and spaces can offer – it’s also a case of enabling clients and customers to see that your business is as transparent as it needs to be, with nothing to hide and plenty of work behind the scenes on show. In fact, for building first impressions and for ensuring that you put yourself and your work ethic across to new visitors, you can really do no wrong with glass office partitions.
Our double glazed frameless partitions offer warmth as well as contemporary style and that added pizazz to your office – meaning that if you’re looking to revamp your workspace in style, glass is very likely to be a good friend of yours indeed. For more information on how GXI Group can help bring glass partitions to your office, and how we can do away with stuffy office partitions for good, call us today on 020 8732 5582 or email us if you have an extended query that you would like us to cover for you – we will be back in touch just as soon as we possibly can!