Welcome back to the office again! After working from home for almost two years, coming to the office is not an easy task. But before calling your workforce in the office, you must accommodate some changes in the office space that make it a comfortable and viable workplace space.
As we marked two years of the pandemic in 2020, almost every industry talked about remote work and how to do it effectively. Now in 2022, organisations are talking about flexible space planning and design london.
Since work has become less rigid with remote work, work from home, and the hybrid work setup, it is high time that your workplace should be flexible enough to accommodate the changing work environment. Gone are the days when office space was limited to four walls and some computers.
Also Read – Top 7 factors to think about before planning an office design
Nowadays, employees seek facilities and flexibility that the organisation can offer to balance their mental health and work perfectly. You can connect with the leading space planning and interior design london for more viable options.
Flexible Office Space
Flexible office space is not only for startups and freelancers but for businesses of all sizes. Traditionally employees have to stay at the desk for the whole day and have very limited moves.
Flexible space is an umbrella term used to define various workspace types, but it differs from the traditional office model. It offers flexibility to accommodate the growing needs of the employees by offering varying work styles, allowing the team to work where, how, and whenever they want. Flexible space boosts the spirit of employees as it can inspire employees to work more effectively and positively.
How to Create or Design Flexible Office Space?
1. Create Quiet Space
Create a quiet space where employees can focus on work without any disturbance. The space should be free from eating, calling, chatting, music, or other distractions. You should literally feel a pin drop of silence.
2. Use Soundproofing
One of the major disadvantages of the open office is continuous murmuring and sounds. Instead of creating a hardcore wooden wall, soundproof the space with absorb footstep or any other material that can absorb sound or noise. Sound-absorbing panels or walls can help to meet soundproof goals.